Monday, February 22, 2010

Meta-graf #9

Taking this English class and doing all these writing assignments has really pulled a big scab off my past. My cause essay was a true story and thinking back to all the prior assignments I’ve done since the beginning of class, all of them have been genuine. I find myself being able to write only non fiction because nothing else comes to mind. Needless to say, I’m doing a lot of reminiscing about the “old days” and giving my head a big shake like, wow, no way, I can’t believe some of the predicaments I got myself into over the years. I can only be thankful I’m at the age I am because I take things so differently now. I’m not so aggressive and spontaneous, I’ve learned some patience and have been able to “pick my battles” as my mother would put it. To the point, something really ironic happened while working on my 5 graf cause essay this weekend. The Portland friend, the one whose apartment I was staying at when I met the stranger on the 3 flights of stairs…..anyway, we haven’t spoken or seen each other for years. Not that we’re having issues or anything like that; it’s just life, kids, work, time, etc… and every time we do finally connect it’s like it was just yesterday. Well, as I was saying I was going back and forth with my last paragraph of my 5 graf cause essay and she called right out of the blue; so random, and SO ironic!! We talked for hours and went all the way back to our teen years remembering so many different….. ahem…situations…LOL. It was so cool to tell her I was JUST writing an English essay about her, well kind of about her, she was in it, and that I was just wrapping it up. What timing, huh? We are all caught up for now, but who knows, she just might be in another one of my assignments…..

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