Saturday, February 13, 2010

Graf #6 reaction to sample i searches

I can relate with the every first essay about beer making considering I have been making wine for many years. I was stressing about this I search paper because sit seemed like it would take a very long time to create it, but after going though these samples it has made me feel more confident.

Of course I loved the wedding cake essay too because I love to cook and bake! She really had a lot of questions pertaining to what exactly she wanted to find out. I can see my research paper compared to hers has far less questions. I’m thinking I should think up more questions to have more substancefor my iearch.

Choosing the right dog was a real eye opener for me. I haven’t had a dog in such a long time and I’ve been saying the minute I move back to Orrington I want a dog immediate. There is so much room out back for the doggie to run free. I certainly don’t need or want a pedigree considering how many animals are available for adoption. She really did a very thorough research on whether to get a dog or not

My aunt is big on genealogy so it was cool to be able to share this information with her and give her some of the web sites this student used for her research

I feel for the woman who wrote her I search on weight loss. My mother has struggled with her weight and thyroid problems most of her life, Society is cruel and mean to overweight people. Never do they ever think a person might be overweight because of medical issues.

My dad used to reload bullets. Great essay

Becoming a better dad reminds me of my own dad. My grandfather was kind of a mean man and had a wicked temper, especially as a younger man. My dad always said he didn’t ever want to be like him and he wasn’t, He made a conscience effort all of his life to remain on track and not be like him. He knew he didn’t like the way he was brought up and was certain he would never invoke that type of behavior on his own family

The wooden boat essay reminds me of my dad too. Among the fast cars, Harley Davidson’s, and airplanes boats were yet another pastime my father enjoyed. Even know he has a 45 foot house boat in the keys, and a flat boat for fishing.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, you'e wise enough to see that more questions, big questions broken smaller, make the isearch easier. A lot of people think the fewer the better, but that's a hangover from high school.
