Thursday, March 11, 2010

contrast essay 1

I am the proud owner of two male cats. The bigger of the two is a black and white tuxedo cat I’ve had since he was a kitten who’s named Doo-Da-Lee-Doo (you have to say it fast) my other addition to the family is Oscar, an adult cat I adopted a few years back to provide him a better life. Both are indoor cats and share a litter box. They drink from the same water dish and feud over the same toys. They’re approximately the same age and both are long haired, neutered cats. Each fight equally over attention and always try to be the first to trick us into giving up a kitty snack. Although my cats have similarities, the differences between their personalities, agility and appetite is remarkable.

1 comment:

  1. I'd probably rather read about your parents than the best cats in the universe, but this graf is snappier than the other one.
