Monday, January 18, 2010

Graf #1 Hands


The hands my eyes are focused on at this very moment have a very used look about them, weathered I dare say. The palms have deep lines running up and down, side to side in a pattern unique to the individual. I notice veins the color of the evening sky splashed across the top of the hands. The fingers are very long and each unpolished fingernail is a different length with ridges running vertically. The cuticles look thick with dry skin and none of the fingernails have any white moon looking features at the base of the nail, lunula I believe they are called. The thumbnails, however, do show a slight glimpse of those white crescents and it makes me wonder why. I see what looks to be a burn healing on the right hand, probably from an oven judging by the shape. The left hand from the palm down to the wrist appears to have been scratched by a cat. I can only hope the scratch was accidental and not provoked by the hands.

Although these hands may not look soft and smooth, they are caring hands full of strength and love. They give a firm handshake to some while others get a wave or a “high five” These hands have endured many years of work; cleaning with out gloves, chopping and cooking, gardening and canning. They have built homes, torn some down, painted, sewn and crafted. Many things have been picked up or placed into these hands. There was even a period of time when the left hand ring finger wore a wedding band. These hands have also gently patted babies backs, rocked some to sleep and gracefully wiped away a child’s tear.
The hands I have described to you are my own.


  1. I particularly like the second graf where you describe the multitude of things the hands have done; that list is excellent and allows the reader's mind to 'see' image after image.

    The end of the first graf does some nice stuff too, giving us a mean kitty and a hot oven.

  2. This is wonderful. Brilliant job.

  3. Thank you very much Alexandra. I have to tell you, I love your name. It was one of 3 I had picked out when my daughter was born.
